2. Cloud computing: big data era, hadoop, noSQL, machine learning
3. Gamification of behavior and content generation
4. Mobile payments and incentives (e.g.; Amex meets FourSquare)
5. Life by Siri, Skyvi, etc. intelligent software assistants
6. Happiness 2.0 and social intelligence: mindfulness, calming tech, and empathy building
7. Social graph prominence in search (e,g.; music, games, news, shopping)
8. Mobile health and quantified self-tracking devices: towards a continuous personal information climate
9. Analytics, data mining, algorithms, automation, robotics
10. Cloud culture: life imitates computing (e.g.; Occupy, Arab Spring)
Further out - Gesture-based computing, Home automation IF sensors, WiFi thermostat, Enterprise social networks
Is it ever coming? - Cure for the common cold, Driverless cars
Looking back at Predictions for 2011: right or wrong?
- Right: Mobile is the platform, Device proliferation, Big data explosion, Group shopping
- On the cusp: Crowdsourced labor, Quantified self tracking gadgets and app, Connected media and on-demand streaming video
- Not yet: Sentiment engines, 3-D printing, Real-time economics