This feeling of being unsettled is that of experiencing an anxious uncanniness of what it means to be a doctor, a Christian, a New Yorker, or whatever. This has long been identified by philosophers (e.g.; Plato, Socrates, Kierkegaard, etc., and more recently Jonathan Lear) as (a lesser-known definition of) irony; when individuals experience a sense of dissumlation (dissimulation).
A further claim is not that anxious uncanniness is harmful or undesirable, but rather that ironic uncanny experiences should be cultivated as the only way out, a key means of growth. Growing by pushing out of one’s comfort zone is parallel to dynamics in the cycles of technology innovation and complexity theory. In technology innovation, the chaotic foment at the end of a paradigm (like the vacuum tube or perhaps oil) forces innovation into a new paradigm. In complex systems, after symmetry-breaking and the development of entropy, adding energy helps to rebalance systems to attain the next node of progress.